Process management products and services since 2004.


COBUS BPM, the way to efficiency

COBUS BPM software maps, automates and manages any type of business process. Our BPM’s goal is to improve business´ efficiency by generating key performance indicators of the processes and by applying “Continuous Improvement” as part of the daily process control. In addition it optimizes customer service by providing more communication channels such as SMS, emails, webtracking, mobile or web applications to your customers and avoiding them from wasting their time driving to your business.


COBUS BPM, the way to efficiency at government purchases

COBUS Compras Públicas is a specialized software for government purchases process of Ecuadorian legislation. It automates about 54 activities at the preparatory, precontractual, contractual and payments stages. Around 45 automatic documents generation with digital signature.


COBUS Trámites OnLine – Digital Cities, Smart Cities

COBUS Trámites OnLine is a software that allows you to offer 100% remote service 24 hours a day, providing citizens or clients the alternative of interacting from the comfort of their home or office through their computer or mobile device to initiate requests, track, pay remotely, receive electronically signed responses, etc.


COBUS Tasks & KPIs – Task control and KPIs generation

It is a software for task administration, document management and generation of key process indicators for better control.



  • Process mapping and redesign

  • Process automation

  • Process efficiency improvement and control


  • TOC

  • Custom development